Effective Solutions

Keeping Your Property Mold-Free

Our mold remediation specialists will formulate a customized remediation plan based on the findings of our mold inspection. We work with utmost care and attention to detail to make your home safe again.

Receive Effective Mold Remediation and Mold Removal Services for Your Home in or Around Charlton, MA

At MicroGARD, we understand the risks associated with mold and the importance of professional mold removal and remediation services. With almost four decades of experience and a certification in mold inspection and mold removal, we are the go-to mold company for mold remediation and mold removal services in Charlton, MA, and surrounding areas.


Mold Remediation and Removal You Can Rely On

Our team of mold remediation and mold removal specialists uses advanced equipment and techniques to contain the mold, HEPA vacuum the area, and apply an effective antimicrobial treatment using an electromagnetic sprayer.

We prefer the antimicrobial treatment developed by mPactUSA, which is highly effective against mold, bacteria, and viruses. Our primary goal is to ensure a thorough and efficient mold removal process, leaving your home mold-free and safe for you and your family.


Work With a Trusted Mold Remediator

By entrusting your mold remediation to experts, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is in the hands of qualified professionals who will take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety and your family’s safety. If your home is near Charlton, MA, partner with us to ensure that your home remains free from this harmful contaminant for a long time.

Partner With Us

Schedule Your Mold Service

If you need mold remediation services, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt, reliable, and effective solutions for all your mold remediation needs.